Terms of use.

This website, SARAMJOHNSON.COM, is to be used for purchasing goods and/or services by United States residents only. No sales will be completed to addresses in other countries.

No warranty is made for the legacy items sold. They are sold as is, and every effort is made to display their true and current condition. Please contact me if you are unsatisfied with an item, I may be able to arrange for the return of said item and refund of the purchase price, but no warranty is guaranteed. If you are dissatisfied with a purchase contact must be made within 30 days of the original purchase.

To the best of my ability I will replace or refund any purchase from the print-on-demand to satisfy your original order and supply you with a new item. Buyers remorse notwithstanding, I will provide you with an item that is to your satisfaction in quality and size for any print-on-demand clothing, quality of other on-demand items will also be replaced to the best of the ability of the printing process. If satisfaction with this process cannot be achieved your original order will be refunded when the item is returned. You will have 30 days from the date of the original purchase to indicate a problem, no further warranty is given.

Please contact orders@saramjohnson.com or

651-457-2290 to initiate a complaint.