Some Third-Party Links of Companies I respect and enjoy

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I may be eligible for a small commission if you choose to sign up from the link or notify Jeff Belzer’s that I referred you.

Mint Mobile

Mobile Service as low as $15.00/month

Switch to Mint Mobile and stop spending so much on your wireless plan. Use my referral link to get $15 in renewal credit.

I have been enjoying the excellent wireless services and not having to worry about a monthly phone bill by paying so little and in blocks of 3 months - 1 year is definitely the reason.

Capital One Credit Card

I’m loving my card from Capital One. Their pre-approval tool makes it easy to see what cards you’re eligible for with no impact on your credit score. Plus, no credit score is required to apply.

This is my first credit card in 25 years and they approved me no problem. Click this link to find the card that’s right for you!

Justin Smallfield


21111 Cedar Ave
Lakeville, MN 55044

Justin Smallfield was very helpful in getting me the vehicle I wanted even though they were a highly sought after model at the time. Now, 18 months later it is still the best car I have owned.

Give him a call for your next vehicle and let him know I sent you.

(952) 469-6877 Work

(507) 828-3147 Mobile